Prelims - Dart Biology

Dart Publishing
Supporting Biology teachers in Scotland since 1995
Site updated: 30th January 2024
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Each of our prelims is freshly prepared every year and is an accurate reflection of the national exam in both content and appearance. They are written by teachers who have set, proof-read and marked SQA National Papers, as well as check marking, assessing and grading appointed markers, and adjudicating appeals.

The drafts are discussed at length, shredded,  and refined before finalising them.

The balance between knowledge and problem solving adheres strictly to SQA guidelines as does the inclusion of "harder questions".  The comprehensive marking instructions closely reflect the standards required of SQA markers.

By taking our prelim, candidates gain, with the support of their teacher:
  • experience of the nature, content and timing of the national exam
  • accurate feedback of their progress
  • indication of areas of possible weakness that can be remedied
  • confidence in their ability to achieve the national requirements, and the opportunity to tailor their preparation to suit their individual needs

The teacher gains, in turn, authoritative and detailed information about each candidate's progress and high quality evidence in support

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