Glossary - Dart Biology

Dart Publishing
Supporting Biology teachers in Scotland since 1995
Site updated: 30th January 2024
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Glossaries and Summaries
These are supplied as worksheets reviewing the mandatory knowledge required by the SQA Course Specification for each section of the course.
The glossaries provide definitions with space for pupils to add the appropriate word(s) from the supplied list.
The summaries are concise outlines in cloze format.
Both provide useful activities, and once checked and corrected build up to a  reliable and accurate resource for review and revision.
An example of each is provided below.

Cell Biology
Cell structure
The basic units of living things are called ________________ .  
All cells contain certain structures. The cell ________________ is selectively-permeable and so controls what enters and leaves a cell. The cytoplasm is where most cellular reactions occur and ____________ are the site of protein synthesis.
The cell _____________  provides shape and support for bacterial, __________ and plant cells. Plant cell walls are made from __________ whilst cell walls of bacteria and fungi are made of a different material.
Mitochondria are the site of aerobic ________________ in all cells except ________________. Plant cells contain structures called ________________ which make food by photosynthesis.
The ________________ controls all the cell activities in all cells except bacteria. Bacteria have a single circular ________________ . Only bacteria have ________________ and these transfer genes from one bacterium to another.
A ________________ is a coloured chemical used to make some parts of a cell more visible under a microscope.
The unit used to measure cells is the micro metre (µm).  One millimetre (mm) is equivalent to ________________ µm

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